OTP term 4 visit

We checked our first station and discovered a very maggoty rat. We placed 3 new rat traps along our line and also came across a possum we had caught. As we approached station 5 we heard a rattling and banging in one of the traps. This was the first time we had discovered a very […]

The holidays

Over the past 3 weeks, Steve and I have been checking the traps up at Pukekauri. The predators are definitely making themselves more evident again with the weather warming up. During the last week of term and the school holidays we have caught 9 rats or mice and 6 possums. With the addition of our […]

Biggest catch yet!

The Bream Bay College boys headed up to the trap line for their last check of the term last week and struck the jackpot! With the weather getting warmer, there is definitely some more pest movement and we had five traps with pests in them. Along the left hand trap line there were three ship […]

Another blue sky day at Pukekauri

The Bream Bay College team headed up to Pukekauri on Thursday last week for their turn to check the traps. It was another stunning blue sky day and the temperature was much milder than the last time we were up there! Jacque from Enviroschools came up with us to see what we’ve been getting up […]

OTP trip 2

This was Te Ara Kahika/ OTP’s 2nd solo trip to the dam this term. It included Piper, Carter, Jayden and Scott. We caught 2 rats and a mouse. We set up a new trap at station 1 for possums. Scott drilled the possum box into a plank of wood to attach it to a tree. […]

OTP tactical trappers

Hi we are Kirwan, Georgia, Carter, Scott, Piper and Jayden from One Tree Point School. Today was our turn to check the traps as the Pukekauri Dam. Sadly, we only caught one rat, which appeared to have been trapped only by its foot (a bit of a sad end for that rat). During our trip […]

Last trip for the term

Today was our last trip to Pukekauri dam with the students before the holidays. It turned out to be a very interesting visit! We began our trap check and reached station 7, where Steve and I had left a rat in our DOC200 the previous week in the hopes of luring something else in. However, […]

Coming together as a Kahui Ako

One of the great things about this project has been working with our teachers, principals and students from across our four Bream Bay Kahui Ako schools. We had an article done by the Northern Advocate which was published today. Full article: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/northern-advocate/news/pest-management-project-brings-together-bream-bay-kura/EGV6NBZIJVDPNNJ5WMIY6CAKI4/