OTP tactical trappers

Hi we are Kirwan, Georgia, Carter, Scott, Piper and Jayden from One Tree Point School. Today was our turn to check the traps as the Pukekauri Dam.

Sadly, we only caught one rat, which appeared to have been trapped only by its foot (a bit of a sad end for that rat).

During our trip we saw lots of different kinds of fungi. Some was shiny, some was bright orange and some were on the tree stumps and looked like squiggly lines.

During our 5MBC we heard lots of different birds including: piwakawaka, riroriro, a tui and one that we couldn’t identify.

We accidentally used up all the peanut butter balls (which had turned into a squishy mess), so Whaea Jess will need to rebait them before next time.

We loved being outside in enjoyed doing some “tactical rolls” in the sunshine. We left just in time before the rain started and headed back to school.

One more rat down. See you next time.

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